history of the early modern age

Division of History of the Early Modern Age


Bu cümleyi çıkaralım türkçesi de ingilizcesi de anlamsız. With the establishment of the Division of Contemporary Age as an independent unit on July 31, 1952, the Division of Early Modern Age also became a separate academic unit in Türkiye. The Division of History of Early Modern Age, with the valuable academic contributions of professors such as Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık, Prof. Dr. Münir Aktepe, Distinguished Prof. Dr. Cevdet Baysun, Prof. Dr. Bekir Kütükoğlu, and Prof. Dr. Ömer Lütfü Barkan,  made significant contributions to the field . Leading academics of the Division of History of the Early Modern Age, such as Prof. Dr. Feridun Emecen, Prof. Dr. İdris Bostan, and Prof. Dr. Suraiya Faroqhi, continue to contribute to the field with their works. Following this tradition, the Department of History was established at Karadeniz Technical University in 1994 under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Kenan İnan.

The Division of History of the Early Modern Age is a subdepartment of the History Department, focusing on the establishment and rise of the Ottoman Empire. In this context, the department explores topics such as the founding of the Ottoman Empire, the birth and development of classical Ottoman institutions, political, economic, and social developments during the conquest of Istanbul, European history during the Renaissance and Reformation-era, and Mediterranean history in the pre-modern period. The time period studied by History of the Early Modern Age begins with the conquest of Istanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmed in 1453 and ends with the French Revolution in 1789.

The mission of the department is to teach students the historical existence of governments, institutions, economies, and societies in the pre-modern period, primarily from archival documents and second-hand sources. In this context, the department adopts a historical approach that examines the period and events with a comparative perspective using documents obtained from both Ottoman archives and the archives of its contemporary states. To evaluate the Ottoman Empire in political, economic, and social contexts, the department also examines the history of contemporary Europe, aiming to provide students with extensive knowledge about pre-modern political structures and institutions.

The Division of History of the Early Modern Age at Karadeniz Technical University aims to contribute to the field of Ottoman history through the production of studies based on various written works, research papers, and primarily archival material, which are fundamental sources of Ottoman history. In this context, the department has taken the lead in the creation of Master's and doctoral theses that address different topics and time periods, adding valuable insights to the field. As of the end of 2022, a total of 37 theses, including 30 Master's theses and 7 doctoral dissertations, have been completed.

The Division of History of the Early Modern Age at Karadeniz Technical University consists of 1 Professor, 3 Assistant Professors, and 1 Research Assistants, totaling 5 academic staff who actively engage in teaching activities.