Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Letters, History Department started History education in the 1994-1995 academic year and continued this education program with 30 students until 2004-2005. The student quota of the department, which had an average of 30 students until the 2004-2005 academic year, was increased to 40 students in the 2004-2005 academic year. In our department, there have been 40 students since the 2005-2006 academic year. education has started. Since the 2010-2011 academic year, our student quota has been 80. The Department of History is capable of providing contemporary academic education and training with its 30 years of experience within its infrastructure and facilities. There are a total of 503 active students in our department.
Karadeniz Technical University, History Department started History education in the 1994-1995 academic year and still continues this education program. Starting from the 2005-2006 academic year, II. Education has started. The Department of History is capable of providing contemporary academic education and training with its 30 years of experience within its infrastructure and facilities. Karadeniz Technical University, Social Sciences Institute started its Master's degree education in the 1998-1999 academic year in accordance with the Higher Education Law No. 2547, and its Doctoral education started with the opening of the Doctoral Program in 2006.
Degree Earned
Graduating students are awarded an UNDERGRADUATE DIPLOMA in the field of History.
Level of Degree: Undergraduate
Working Type: Full Time
Admission and Registration Conditions
1- High school or equivalent school diploma,
2- Sufficient score from the Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS).
Prior Education Definition
As in other Turkish Higher Education institutions, recognition of prior education in all programs of Karadeniz Technical University is in the planning stage. Exemption exams are held at the beginning of each semester for courses such as Basic Computer and English, which are among the compulsory courses of the departments. Students who believe that they have achieved the learning outcomes in these courses have the right to take these exams. Students who take the exam and are successful are exempt from the relevant course in the curriculum.
Rules for Ranking
To obtain a weighted GPA of at least 2.0 out of 4.00 in order to successfully complete all courses available in the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS).
Program Profile
Our program consists of academics who are experts in their fields, and the necessary studies are carried out together with the courses. The aim is to raise students as individuals who also have field skills. The study areas of our department are Ancient, Middle Ages, Early Modern Age, Late Modern Age, Republic of Turkey and General Turkish History. In this regard, efforts are being made to keep the department's academic profile broad. desired; Our aim is to ensure that students are successful in the professional exams they will face later, so that they can continue working as teachers in places they want, both in the public and private sectors. At the same time, it is aimed to train our students as talented and equipped historians at national and international levels.
Exams, Measurement and Evaluation
For each course, students are subject to a midterm exam, mid-term study (seminar, quiz, homework, or a second midterm exam) and a final exam. The contribution of the midterm exam to the success grade is 50%, and the contribution of the final exam is 50%. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. It is mandatory to get at least 45 points from the final exam. Students who receive one of the letter grades (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB) and (CC) from a course are considered to have succeeded that course. At the end of each semester, students can take make-up exams for a maximum of two courses from that semester. Each student must register for courses at the beginning of the semester and attend at least 70% of the courses and 80% of the seminars. Midterm exams and final exams are held on pre-announced dates. For grades grading and more information, please visit the relevant page. https://www.ktu.edu.tr/oidb/kurumicimevzuat
Graduation Requirements
The conditions in the Degree Rules section are sufficient.
Employment Profiles of Graduates
Graduated students work within the framework of their fields of interest, especially as teachers, research assistants, archivists and civil servants in other public institutions.
Transition to Higher Degree Programs
Candidates who have successfully completed their undergraduate education can study in postgraduate programs (master's and doctorate) by passing the ALES exam, their success averages and the interview exam.
The Department of History operates in the Faculty of Letters building and the department's facilities are as follows:
There are 7 professors, 4 associate professors, 12 assistant professors, 1 lecturer and 4 research assistants working in the department. There are 27 rooms for academic staff. There are also 7 classrooms, 1 technology classroom and 1 Archive Room.
Postgraduate Education
In accordance with the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the Department of History, Institute of Social Sciences started its master's degree education in the 1998-1999 academic year and its doctoral education in the 2006-2007 academic year. Master's and doctoral education still continues. 153 master's and 37 doctoral studies have been completed from this program. Currently, 116 students and 51 doctoral students are continuing their education in our department.
It is aimed to rearrange the Strategic Plan of the History Department and prepare the strategic plan for the 2019-2023 period in line with these regulations. Following the information meeting organized by the Rectorate of Karadeniz Technical University on September 26, 2008, the information packages of our departments were renewed. The process of obtaining the diploma supplements and diploma labels of the Turkish and English information packages prepared for our university's undergraduate and graduate education has been completed. Following this, the infrastructure was created for the review of strategic plans and accreditation procedures.
International Agreements (Erasmus)
Germany - University of Potsdam
Germany - Universitat Münster
Italy - Sapienza Universita
France - University de Lille