vision and mission


The goal of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature is to educate experts in Turkology who are familiar with world Turkish studies and contribute to the realization of Türkiye's strategic objectives. In this context, at the undergraduate level, the aim is to cultivate individuals who possess high reading, questioning, analyzing, and problem-solving skills, intellectual capacity, and eloquence; individuals who are difficult to deceive, capable of persuasion, and can become opinion leaders in their environment, regardless of the profession they pursue.

The academic vision of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature regarding Türkiye's cultural policies is to contribute to the international promotion and dissemination of Turkish language and literature and to build the necessary academic and cultural infrastructure to attract international students in the long term.

The Department of Turkish Language and Literature does not only focus on training teachers, it also seeks to identify various fields where its graduates can work and strives to create new employment opportunities for future graduates. To this end, it conducts necessary studies and makes recommendations to the political institutions.



The Department of Turkish Language and Literature adopts the mission of educating individuals who are equipped with the teachings of scientific ethics, think positively, respect human rights, and are willing to share their knowledge and experiences with the world, while being committed to Atatürk's principles and reforms, and contribute culturally and scientifically to both their country and the world.

In line with this purpose, our department endeavors to train new generations who can interpret all materials of Turkish language and literature, which is a treasure trove with its written and oral products bridging the past and future, by combining them with the techniques of the modern world. These individuals are equipped to be academics, Turkish language and literature teachers, editors, proofreaders, advertising copywriters, screenwriters, critics, columnists, and public relations specialists for various organizations.