procedures to be followed during examination



The following basic rules need to be adhered to in order to ensure the organization of exams, the guarantee of students' right to take exams, and the completion of exams by students and examiners in mutual trust and understanding in the exams conducted at the Faculty of Literature:

1. The examiner for each course is the respective faculty member/lecturer, and it is their responsibility to be present in the examination room/rooms at the time of the exam to initiate the exam. During the exam, it is mandatory for examiners to be present in the examination area for communication if needed. They are responsible for ensuring that the exams are conducted safely.

2. Before the exam, examiners must be delivered the documents (answer sheets, if any other documents are to be used during the exam) at least 15 minutes before the exam time. Ten minutes before the start of the exam, examiners must be present in the classroom, seat students in the exam hall, and explain the rules to be followed during the exam.

3. Examiners conduct identity checks on students before the exam begins. They prevent individuals who are not registered for the relevant course or whose names are not on the class list from entering the exam room. Examiners distribute exam questions and, if applicable, answer sheets to each student individually.

4. Examiners are responsible for verifying that the student taking the exam matches the person who signs the exam attendance sheet. Students without identification are not allowed to take the exam.

5. The start and end times of the exam are written on the classroom board where students can see them. The end of the exam is announced to students 10 minutes before the scheduled end time.

6. At the end of the exam, examiners count the exam papers, confirm that the number of exam papers matches the number of students who take the exam, sign the attendance sheet, and hand over all exam materials to the responsible instructor.

7. The content and duration of the exam are determined by the responsible instructor for the course. Examiners do not interfere with the content of the exam and cannot answer questions related to the content of the course during the exam.

8. During the exam, examiners are prohibited from chatting among themselves, using mobile phones, or leaving the exam room.



Rules to be followed during the exam:


1. Students must have their Karadeniz Technical University student ID card with them when they come to the exam. Examiners will conduct identity checks and may require students to keep their IDs on the desk until the end of the exam.

2. Students must be present in the exam room before the exam begins. They should take their seats according to the seating arrangement specified by the course instructor or appointed examiners. Examiners have the authority to change students' seats without explanation to ensure the orderly conduct of the exam.

3. Students who arrive after the first 15 minutes following the start of the exam will not be allowed to enter the exam room. Leaving the exam room within the first 15 minutes after the exam starts is prohibited. Latecomers will not be given extra time, and no new students will be admitted after the first student leaves the exam.

4. Students cannot leave the exam without signing the attendance sheet and submitting their exam paper. Once a student submits their paper and leaves the room, they cannot re-enter the exam.

5. During the exam, students must follow all instructions given by the examiners and show respect towards them.

6. Throughout the exam, mobile phones must be turned off and placed away from the desk, and under no circumstances should they be used. If a mobile phone is found to be on, it will be considered an attempt to cheat, and necessary action will be taken.

7. Each student is personally responsible for any information, writing, or documents that could be considered cheating in the seat and vicinity where they sit for the exam. If such information or documents are found, students must inform the examiners and, if necessary, request to change seats. Otherwise, the information and documents will be considered as belonging to the student.

8. Students are prohibited from talking to each other, engaging in any exchange, cheating, or attempting to cheat during the exam.

9. In the event of concrete evidence of cheating by a student or students during the exam, the examiners will record it in the exam report. The report will be forwarded to the Department Chair for further action. If cheating or attempted cheating is detected during the exam paper evaluation, the relevant instructor will prepare a report, and disciplinary proceedings will be initiated.


Disciplinary Situations Requiring Punishment for Disruption of Exam Order:


1. Teaching staff present in the exam room may remove students from the exam room by preparing a report if they disrupt the exam rules, order, or process, hinder the exam for a long or short period, insult examiners, or leave the exam room before the announced time. Separate administrative action will be taken against these students.

2. Cheating or attempting to cheat in exams is not permitted under any circumstances. Paragrapf M of Article 9 of the Regulation Governing Student Discipline in Higher Education Institutions punishes the offense of "cheating in exams or attempting to cheat" with a penalty of "suspension from the university for one or two semesters."

3. If examiners in the exam room have suspicions about cheating, they will record the names of students who cheat, attempt to cheat, or provide assistance in cheating, prepare a report, sign it, and submit it to the Department Chair and the course instructor.

4. If cheating is detected during the evaluation of exam papers, the relevant instructor will prepare a report and inform the Department Chair. In this case, based on the instructor's report and the investigator's report, students who cheat will receive an FF grade or zero (for those subject to the old regulations), and disciplinary proceedings will be initiated.