SCIE makaleler


Saral, D., & Köse, E., (2024).

Academic Studies on Fishing Vessels in Turkey

Ocean Engineering, vol.308, 1-17.       

Pehlivan, E. F., & Altın, İ., (2024).

Exergy Analysis Under Consideration of Operational Parameters by Numerical Approach in A Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine

Fuel, vol.368.

Erkurtulmuş, S. A., & Peşman, E., (2024).

GIS-Based Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installation Site Selection Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in Northeast Aegean Sea

Brodogradnja, vol.75, no.2, 1-21.

Pesman, E., Copuroglu, H. İ., & Katayama, T., (2024).

The Effect of a Ship's Acceleration and Deceleration on Parametric Roll Motion In Regular Head Waves At Resonance Conditions

Ocean Engineering, vol.291.       

Saraç, B., Demirtaş, C., & Ayhan, T., (2024).

Thermodynamic Analysis of Drying Cycles Utilizing A Desiccant Wheel Thermoelectric Modules And Heat Pipe For The Drying Of Hazel Nuts In The East Blacksea Climatic Conditions 

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol.1, no.1, 1-2.       

Saraç, B., Aksu, E., Demirtaş, C., & Ayhan, T., (2024).

Free Convection Heat Transfer and Buoyancy-Assisted Flow Over A Heated Plate Inserted Horizontally In A Vertical Channel With Time-Varying Conditions

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol.149, no.5, 2255-2271.       

Çolak, K., Ölmez, H., & Saraç, B., (2024).

Waste Heat Recovery Assessment of Triple Heat-Exchanger Usage for Ship Main Engine Pre-Heating and Freshwater Generation Systems

Proceedings Of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal of Engineering for The Maritime Environment, vol.238, no.1, 209-230.


Saral, D., & Köse, E., (2023).

A Non-Dimensional Offset Table for The Black Sea Type Fishing Vessels

Applied Ocean Research, vol.139.

Şener, M. Z., Yoon, H. K., Nguyen, T. T. D., Park, J., & Köse, E., (2023).

An Experimental Study on Capacitive and Ultrasonic Measurement Principles and Uncertainty Assessment in Laboratory Wave Measurements

Ocean Engineering, vol.285.  

Şahin, Ö. S., Kahramanoglu, E., Çakici, F., & Peşman, E., (2023).

Control Of Dynamic Trim for Planing Vessels with Interceptors in Terms of Comfort and Minimum Drag

Brodogradnja, vol.74, no.1, 1-17.       

Tuti, M., Şahin, Z., & Durgun, O., (2023).

Experimental Investigation of The Effects of Water Addition into The Intake Air on Combustion Parameters, Energy Balance And Developing An Empirical Combustion Duration Relation In Automobile Diesel Engine

Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, vol.43, no.2, 217-232.               

Okur, O., Küçük, H., & Midilli, A., (2023).

Triple-Effect New Generation Drying Technique.

Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, vol.89.       

Midilli, A., & Kucuk, H., (2023).

Development Of a New Curve Equation Representing Thin Layer Drying Process

Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, vol.45, no.4, 9717-9730.


Ugurlu, O., Köse, E., Başar, E., Özkök, M., & Wang, J., (2022).

Simulation Modelling of Chief Officers' Working Hours on Short Sea Shipping

Ships And Offshore Structures, Vol.17, No.6, 1312-1320.

Türk, A., Gürgen, S., Özkök, M., & Altın, İ., (2022).

A Comprehensive Investigation into The Performance of Genetic Algorithm for Effective Shipyard Topological Layout

Proceedings Of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal of Engineering for The Maritime Environment, vol.236, no.3, 726-740.

Köse, S., Sekban, D. M., & Özkök, M., (2022).

Determination Of Port-Induced Exhaust Gas Emission Amounts and Investigation of Environmental Impact by Creating Emission Maps: Sample of Trabzon Port

International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, vol.16, no.3, 258-268.

Gürgen, S., & Altin, İ., (2022).

Novel Decision-Making Strategy for Working Fluid Selection in Organic Rankine Cycle: A Case Study for Waste Heat Recovery of a Marine Diesel Engine

Energy, vol.252.         

Gürgen, S., Kahraman, H. T., Aras, S., & Altın, İ., (2022).

A Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Meta-Heuristic Optimization Techniques for Effective Organic Rankine Cycle Design

Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.213.               

Çopuroğlu, H. İ., & Peşman, E., (2022).

Ship Staff Wind Comfort and Wind Safety in The Walkways of Containerships and Case Study For A Feeder Containership 

Ships And Offshore Structures, vol.17, no.4, 920-938.

Şener, M. Z., & Aksu, E., (2022).

The Effects of Head Form on Resistance Performance and Flow Characteristics for A Streamlined AUV Hull Design

Ocean Engineering, vol.257, 1-13.

Şener, M. Z., & Aksu, E., (2022).

The Numerical Investigation of The Rotation Speed and Reynolds Number Variations of A NACA 0012 Airfoil

Ocean Engineering, vol.249.

Midilli, A., Küçük, H., Hacıosmanoğlu, M., Akbulut, U., & Dincer, İ., (2022).

A Review on Converting Plastic Wastes into Clean Hydrogen Via Gasification for Better Sustainability

International Journal of Energy Research, vol.46, no.4, 4001-4032.       


Türk, A., Saral, D., Özkök, M., & Köse, E., (2021).

Minimization Of Total Trim Loss Occurring in Pipe Cutting in Shipbuilding with Genetic Algorithm

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, vol.235, 695-704.       

Ünver, B., Altin, İ., & Gürgen, S., (2021).

Risk Ranking of Maintenance Activities in A Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine Via Fuzzy AHP Method

Applied Ocean Research, vol.111.               

Nacak, C., & Saraç, B., (2021).

The Performance Assessment of a Refrigeration System Which Exists on A Cargo Vessel Influenced by Seawater-Intake Temperature

Journal Of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol.146, no.3, 1229-1243.

Saraç, B., (2021).

Application Of Advanced Exergy Method to The Vapour Compression Cooling Test Unit

Journal Of Thermal Science and Technology, vol.41, no.1, 157-166.               

Özmen, Y., Aksu, E., & Gürsel Özmen, N., (2021).

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Effects of Different Cavity Geometries on Flow in A Rectangular Channel

Journal Of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, vol.36, no.2, 627-640.       

Midilli, A., Küçük, H., Topal, M. E., Akbulut, U., & Dincer, İ., (2021).

A Comprehensive Review on Hydrogen Production from Coal Gasification: Challenges and Opportunities

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.46, no.50, 25385-25412.       


Türk, A., & Özkök, M., (2020).

Shipyard Location Selection Based on Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS

Journal Of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol.39, no.3, 4557-4576. 

Kolukisa, D. C., Ozbulut, M., Peşman, E., & Yildiz, M., (2020).

Development Of Computationally Efficient Augmented Lagrangian SPH for Incompressible Flows and Its Quantitative Comparison with WCSPH Simulating Flow Past a Circular Cylinder

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol.121, no.18, 4187-4207.

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2020).

Characterization Of Boride Layer Formed on Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Electron Beam Evaporation Technique 

Physics Of Metals and Metallography, vol.121, no.14, 1466-1472. 

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2020).

Mechanical Properties and Cell Proliferation Response of Borided Biomedical Titanium Alloys with Different Crystalline Structures

Surface & Coatings Technology, vol.397.        

Midilli, A., Küçük, H., & Akbulut, U., (2020).

Thermodynamic Based Environmental and Sustainability Assessments of Gas Flow in A Curved Annular Channel

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.45, no.49, 26379-26386.              


Altın, İ., Bilgin, A., & Sezer, İ., (2019).

Theoretical Investigation on Combustion Characteristics Of Ethanol-Fueled Dual-Plug SI Engine

FUEL, vol.257.              

Ünver, B., Gürgen, S., Şahin, B., & Altın, İ., (2019).

Crankcase Explosion for Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine by Using Fault Tree Analysis Method In Fuzzy Environment

Engineering Failure Analysis, vol.97, 288-299.               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2019).

Boriding Behaviour of Titanium Alloys with Different Crystalline Structures

Surface Engineering, Vol.35, no.7, 611-617.       


Köse, S., Özkök, M., Demirel, F. B., & Köse, E., (2018).

Performance Indicators Considered for Selection of Agency in Maritime Industry

Transportation Journal, vol.57, no.3, 238-257.       

Saral, D., Aydın, M., & Köse, E., (2018).

A Systematic Investigation of The Effects of Various Bulbous Bows On Resistance Of Fishing Boats

Brodogradnja, vol.69, 93-117.    

Yazır, D., Unver, I., Köse, E., & Bekiryazici, Z., (2018).

Modelling of Cohesive -Sediment Depositional Areas Carried by the Solaklı River to the Eastern Black-Sea

Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, vol.47, no.3, 721-728.

Gurgen, S., Altın, İ., & Özkök, M., (2018).

Prediction Of Main Particulars of a Chemical Tanker at Preliminary Ship Design Using Artificial Neural Network

Ships and Offshore Structures, vol.13, 459-465.       

Gurgen, S., Ünver, B., & Altın, İ., (2018).

Prediction Of Cyclic Variability in A Diesel Engine Fueled With N-Butanol and Diesel Fuel Blends Using Artificial Neural Network

Renewable Energy, vol.117, 538-544.        

Şahin, B., Gürgen, S., Ünver, B., & Altın, İ., (2018).

Forecasting The Baltic Dry Index by Using an Artificial Neural Network Approach

Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, vol.26, 1673-1684.               

Çopuroğlu, H. İ., & Peşman, E., (2018).

Analysis Of Flettner Rotor Ships in Beam Waves

Ocean Engineering, vol.150, 352-362.               

Alver, F., Saraç, B., & Sahin, U. A., (2018).

Estimating Of Shipping Emissions in The Samsun Port From 2010 To 2015

Atmospheric Pollution Research, vol.9, no.5, 822-828.               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2018).

Growth Kinetics and Mechanical Characterization of Boride Layers Formed on Beta-Type Ti-45Nb Alloy

Surface & Coatings Technology, vol.352, 201-212.               

Midilli, A., Kucuk, H., & Akbulut, U., (2018).

Exergetic Performance Comparison of Air and Hydrogen Gas Flowing Through the Annular Curved Duct 

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.43, no.23, 10859-10868.               



Altın, İ., Bilgin, A., & Ceper, B. A., (2017).

Parametric Study on Some Combustion Characteristics in A Natural Gas Fueled Dual Plug SI Engine

Energy, vol.139, 1237-1242.

Gürgen, S., Ünver, B., & Altın, İ., (2017).

Experimental Investigation on Cyclic Variability, Engine Performance, And Exhaust Emissions in A Diesel Engine Using Alcohol-Diesel Fuel Blends

Thermal Science, vol.21, 581-589.

Aksu, E., Saraç, B., & Ayhan, T., (2017).

Experimental Investigation and Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer for Heated Plate 

Journal Of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, vol.31, no.4, 937-946.

Özmen, Y., & Aksu, E., (2017).

Wind Pressures on Different Roof Shapes of a Finite Height Circular Cylinder

Wind And Structures, vol.24, no.1, 25-41.

Kara, G., Pürçek, G., & Yanar, H., (2017).

Improvement Of Wear Behaviour of Titanium by Boriding

Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, vol.69, no.1, 65-70.               

Midilli, A., & Kucuk, H., (2017).

A Preface to The Special Issue Section On "The National Hydrogen Technologies Congress (UHTEK 2015), 20-23 December 2015, Istanbul, Turkey"

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.42, no.4, 2434.  

Akbulut, U., Ovali, R. V., & Kucuk, H., (2017).

Viscous Dissipation Effects on Entropy Generation in Heated Vertical Parallel-Plate Channels for Mixed Convection 

International Journal of Exergy, vol.23, no.1, 1-17.              



Özkök, M., (2016).

Investigation of welder selection parameters based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in shipbuilding

International Journal of Maritime Engineering, vol.158, 239-250.      

Özkök, M., Kaşıkçı, M., & Helvacıoğlu, İ., (2016).

Assembly Line Balancing Implementation in Minor and Sub Assembly Workshop at Shipyards.  International Journal of Maritime Engineering, vol.158, 151-160   

Çebi, S., Özkök, M., Kafali, M., & Kahraman, C., (2016).

A Fuzzy Multiphase and Multicriteria Decision-Making Method for Cutting Technologies Used in Shipyards

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol.18, no.2, 198-211.     

Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2016).

The Effect of Spark Advance on Engine Performance Characteristics in A Spark Ignition Engine Having Various Spark Plug Numbers and Locations 

Journal Of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, vol.31, 361-368.               

Kucuk, H., (2016).

Numerical study on entropy generation in L-shaped curved channels

International Journal of Exergy, vol.20, no.4, 465-481.       


Ugurlu, O., Yildirim, U., Yuksekyildiz, E., Nisanci, R., & Köse, E., (2015).

Investigation Of Oil Tanker Accidents by Using GIS

International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 113-124.        

Ugurlu, O., Köse, E., Yildirim, U., & Yuksekyildiz, E., (2015).

Marine accident analysis for collision and grounding in oil tanker using FTA method 

Maritime Policy & Management, vol.42, no.2, 163-185.

Özkök, M., (2015).

Work Analysis of Plate Bending Workshop in Shipbuilding Industry

International Journal of Maritime Engineering, vol.157, 275-283. 

Özkök, M., (2015).

Risk Evaluation of Pin Jig Work Unit in Shipbuilding by Using Fuzzy AHP Method

Brodogradnja, vol.66, no.1, 39-53.  

Kafali, M., & Özkök, M., (2015).

Evaluation of shipyard selection criteria for shipowners using a fuzzy technique

Journal Of Marine Engineering and Technology, vol.14, no.3, 146-158.

Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2015).

Quasi-dimensional modeling of a fast-burn combustion dual-plug spark-ignition engine with complex combustion chamber geometries

Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.87, 678-687.       

Peşman, E., Kolukisa, D. C., & Taylan, M., (2015).

Numerical And Analytical Approaches for Roll Motion Analysis in Regular Longitudinal Waves

Polish Maritime Research, vol.22, no.3, 28-35.       

Sarac, B., (2015).

Exergy analysis in the withering process for Turkish black tea production

International Journal of Exergy, vol.18, no.3, 323-339.     

Kara, G., Pürçek, G., Atasoy, Y., & Bacaksiz, E., (2015).

Microstructure And Tribological Properties of Ti Borided by Electron Beam Evaporation Technique

Journal Of the Balkan Tribological Association, vol.21, no.1, 24-37.  

Midilli, A., & Kucuk, H., (2015).

Assessment of exergetic sustainability indicators for a single layer solar drying system

International Journal of Exergy, vol.16, no.3, 278-292.               


Kafali, M., Özkök, M., & Cebi, S., (2014).

Evaluation Of Pipe Cutting Technologies in Shipbuilding

Brodogradnja, vol.65, no.2, 33-48. 

Özkök, M., (2014).

Risk Assessment in Ship Hull Structure Production Using FMEA

Journal Of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, vol.22, no.2, 173-185.      

Çebi, S., Özkök, M., & Demirci, E., (2014).

Evaluation of Design Parameters for Vessel Engine Room by Using a Modified QFD Technique

Journal Of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, vol.23, no.5, 559-587.     

Özkök, M., & Cebi, S., (2014).

A fuzzy based assessment method for comparison of ship launching methods 

Journal Of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol.26, no.2, 781-791.

Bali, T., & Sarac, B. A., (2014).

Experimental investigation of decaying swirl flow through a circular pipe for binary combination of vortex generators

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.53, 174-179.              

Şahin, Z., Tuti, M., & Durgun, O., (2014).

Experimental investigation of the effects of water adding to the intake air on the engine performance and exhaust emissions in a DI automotive diesel engine

FUEL, vol.115, 884-895.

Kucuk, H., Midilli, A., Kilic, A., & Dincer, I., (2014).

A Review on Thin-Layer Drying-Curve Equations

Drying Technology, vol.32, no.7, 757-773.


Ozkok, M., (2013).

Effects Of Welding Operating Factor on Shipyard Panel Line's Production Quantity

Scientia Iranica, vol.20, no.6, 1773-1780.

Ozkok, M., (2013).

The Effects of Machine Breakdown on Hull Structure Production Process

Scientia Iranica, vol.20, no.3, 900-908.

Özkök, M., & Helvacıoğlu, İ. H., (2013).

A Continuous Process Improvement Application in Shipbuilding

Brodogradnja, vol.64, no.1, 31-39.     

Özkök, M., & Helvacıoğlu, İ. H., (2013).

Determination of the Effects of the Pre-Outfitting and Pre-Piping Assembly Operations on Shipyard Productivity

Polish Maritime Research, vol.20, no.1, 59-69. 



Özkök, M., (2012).

The Effects of Matrix Module Structure on Shipyard Panel Line's Throughput

Polish Maritime Research, vol.19, no.3, 65-71.

Pesman, E., & Taylan, M., (2012).

Influence Of Varying Restoring Moment Curve on Parametric Roll Motion of Ships In Regular Longitudinal Waves

Journal Of Marine Science and Technology, vol.17, no.4, 511-522.

Karakas, S. C., Ucer, E., & Peşman, E., (2012).

Control Design of Fin Roll Stabilization in Beam Seas Based on Lyapunov's Direct Method 

Polish Maritime Research, vol.19, no.2, 25-30.       

Midilli, A., Küçük, H., & Dincer, I., (2012).

Environmental And Sustainability Aspects of a Recirculating Aquaculture System 

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, vol.31, no.4, 604-611.       



Saraç, B., Al-Madani, H., & Ayhan, T., (2011).

Heat Transfer from A Short Plate Behind an Obstacle in Tandem

Energy Conversion and Management, vol.52, no.10, 3147-3158.       

Kucuk, H., (2011).

Numerical Analysis of Entropy Generation and Minimisation in Eccentric Curved Annular Ducts  

International Journal of Exergy, vol.9, no.1, 40-65.       



Guneroglu, A., Kose, E., Karsli, F., & Feyzioglu, M., (2010).

Intercomparison And Usage of Different CHL-A Algorithms and In-Situ Validation of Oc3m In Continental Shelf Waters Of The Black Sea

Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, vol.19, no.3, 452-460.         

Kurtoğlu, İ. Z., Kucuk, H., Alkan, A., & Ozdemir, A., (2010).

Economic Analysis and Sustainability of Turkish Marine Hatcheries

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, no.4, 513-521.  

Kucuk, H., (2010).

Numerical analysis of entropy generation in concentric curved annular ducts 

Journal Of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol.24, no.9, 1927-1937.

Kucuk, H., Midilli, A., Özdemir, A., Cakmak, E., & Dincer, I., (2010).

Exergetic performance analysis of a recirculating aquaculture system

Energy Conversion and Management, vol.51, no.5, 1033-1043.       

Kucuk, H., & Gedikli, H., (2010).

Natural Convection in A Triangular Cross Section Roof Under Daylight Conditions

Journal Of Thermal Science and Technology, vol.30, no.1, 99-110.               


Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2009).

A parametric study on the performance parameters of a twin-spark SI engine

Energy Conversion and Management, vol.50, 1902-1907.             

Bilgin, A., Altın, İ., & Sezer, İ., (2009).

Investigation of the Effect of Dual Ignition on the Exhaust Emissions of an SI Engine Operating on Different Conditions by Using Quasi-Dimensional Thermodynamic Cycle Model

Strojarstvo, vol.51, no.5, 459-464.  

Altın, İ., Sezer, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2009).

Effects of the Stroke/Bore Ratio on the Performance Parameters of a Dual-Spark-Ignition (DSI) Engine

Energy & Fuels, vol.23, 1825-1831.

Sezer, İ., Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2009).

Exergetic Analysis of Using Oxygenated Fuels in Spark-Ignition (SI) Engines

Energy & Fuels, vol.23, 1801-1807.

Kucuk, H., Avci, M., Aydin, O., & Asan, H., (2009).

Analysis Of Heat and Fluid Flow in Concentric Annular Square Ducts

Journal Of Thermal Science and Technology, vol.29, no.1, 7-13.               

Kucuk, H., & Asan, H., (2009).

Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Eccentric Curved Annular Square Ducts

Journal Of Thermal Science and Technology, vol.29, no.1, 67-78.               

Kucuk, H., & Asan, H., (2009).

A Numerical Study on Heat and Fluid Flow in Concentric Curved Annular Square Ducts

Heat Transfer Engineering, no.5, 383-392.



Dinçer, A. C., & Bahar, M., (2008).

Multifilament Gillnet Selectivity for The Red Mullet (Mullus Barbatus) In the Eastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey, Trabzon

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol.8, no.2, 355-359.          

Sivri, N., Erturk, A., & Köse, E., (2008).

The Effects of a Fish Farming Scenario Using QUAL2E Modelling at Firtina Creek (Black Sea Region)

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol.8, no.2, 293-300.            

Bali, T., & Sarac, B., (2008).

Exergy analysis of heat transfer in a turbulent pipe flow by a decaying swirl generator

International Journal of Exergy, vol.5, no.1, 64-77.           



Sarac, B. A., & Bali, T., (2007).

An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Decaying Swirl Flow Through a Circular Pipe with A Vortex Generator

Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol.32, no.1, 158-165.       

Ayhan-Sarac, B., Karlik, B., Bali, T., & Ayhan, T., (2007).

Neural Network Methodology for Heat Transfer Enhancement Data

International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol.17, 788-798.

Asan, H., & Kucuk, H., (2007).

A Numerical Computation of Heat and Fluid Flow In L-Shaped Curved Channels

Heat Transfer Engineering, no.2, 112-119.


Zengin, M., & Dinçer, A. C., (2006).

Distribution And Seasonal Movement of Atlantic Bonito (Sarda Sarda) Populations in The Southern Black Sea Coasts

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol.6, 57-62.              

Sivri, N., Kose, E., & Feyzioglu, A. M., (2006).

Modelling The Effects of Industrial Discharged Waters to Degirmendere River (Southeastern Black Sea)

Journal Of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol.65, no.8, 632-638.     

Basar, E., Kose, E., & Guneroglu, A., (2006).

Finding Risky Areas for Oil Spillage After Tanker Accidents at Istanbul Strait

International Journal of Environment and Pollution, vol.27, no.4, 388-400.       



Guneroglu, A., Kose, E., Eruz, C., Basar, E., Erkebay, S., & Karsli, F., (2005).

Use Of Geographic Information System (GIS) To Select Fish Cage Farming Sites in Surmene Bay, Black Sea

Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, vol.57, no.2, 81-89.       


Kose, E., Basar, E., Demirci, E., Guneroglu, A., & ERKEBAY, S., (2003).

Simulation Of Marine Traffic in Istanbul Strait

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol.11, 597-608.       

Kose, E., Eruz, C., Guneroglu, A., Erkebay, S., & Gulten, Y., (2003).

Simulation Of Coastal Currents and River Discharges in The South-Eastern Black Sea

Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, vol.32, no.3, 194-201.

Midilli, A., & Kucuk, H., (2003).

Energy And Exergy Analyses of Solar Drying Process of Pistachio

Energy, no.6, 539-556.       

Midilli, A., & Kucuk, H., (2003).

Mathematical Modeling of Thin Layer Drying of Pistachio By Using Solar Energy

Energy Conversion and Management, no.7, 1111-1122.  


Midilli, A., Kucuk, H., & Yapar, Z., (2002).

A New Model for Single-Layer Drying

Drying Technology, no.7, 1503-1513.