our history


  • Our faculty was established with the decision of the Council of Ministers on 04.09.2003 and numbered 6034. The departments of our faculty was approved with the decision of the Council of Higher Education on 28.07.2005 and numbered 15993.
  • Prof. Dr. Rasin ÖZYAVUZ who was appointed as the Founding Dean in 2004 provided the design and construction of the faculty buildings.
  • The construction of our faculty building, which is the project of Architect S. Tuğrul AĞUN, started in 2006 and was completed in 2011.





Prof. Rasin ÖZYAVUZ (Founding Dean)

(2004 – 2010)




 Prof. Nurettin YAYLI (Dean)

(2010 – 2016)

Associate Dean


Assoc. Prof. Sermet YILDIRMIŞ




Prof. F. Sena SEZEN (V. Dean)

(2016 – 2018)

Associate Dean

Assoc. Prof. Arzu ÖZEL

Assoc. Prof. Sermet YILDIRMIŞ



Prof. Ufuk ÖZGEN (Dean)

(2018 - 2021) 

Associate Dean

Assoc. Prof. Dilek KUL

Assoc. Prof. Sermet YILDIRMIŞ

(2021 - )

Associate Dean

Assoc. Prof. İnci Selin DOĞAN

Asst. Prof. Sevda TÜRK