2247-B European Research Council (ERC) Support Program 2221 Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists
Neurodegenerative Disease Research Joint Program Green Transformation in Industry
ERA-NET NEURON Project 2025 Joint International The ERA4Health Partnership
The forms related to the invitation and acceptance of Senior Visiting Researchers, Visiting Researchers, and Visiting Graduate Students are attached to the Directive for Visiting Scholar and Researchers.
Office of Internationalization
Dr. Ulaş Kutsi ÇEZİK - Head- Internationalization Coordination Office - ulaskutsicezik@ktu.edu.tr
Dr. Yücel BULUT - Deputy - Internationalization Coordination Office - yucelbulut@ktu.edu.tr
Social Media
Facebook: @KTUintz
Twitter: @KTUintz
Instagram: @ktu.intz
Erasmus+ is the European program dedicated to education, training, youth, and sport. It serves a broad range of audiences, extending beyond students to include individuals from various sectors, both formal and informal, within education and training.
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) is a type of agreement between two or more universities allowing staff and student mobility.
The KA171 project is carried out to promote student and staff mobility to support the personal development and employability of the students, to support the professional development of its staff, and to increase the capacity of higher education institutions and ensure internationalisation.
For researchers holding a doctoral degree, the procedural workflow is outlined below.
Please, click for the Application Form
International academic staff hired on a contractual basis at higher education institutions are appointed by the rector, following a recommendation from the relevant faculty, graduate school, or school administrative board and approval by the university's administrative board. Click below to explore the workflow and procedures for employing international staff.
Scholarships by TÜBİTAK BİDEB (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye/Scientific Research Support Programs Presidency)
Scholarships for Educational Purposes
2213-A Overseas Graduate Scholarship Program (Only PhD.)
2213-B Overseas Joint PhD. Scholarship Program
Scholarships for Research
2214-A - International Research Fellowship Programme for PhD Students
International Scholarships
TWAS (Academy of Sciences for the Developing World)
2216C TÜBA-TÜBİTAK Uzbekistan Aziz Sancar Research Fellowship Programme
ICGEB International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
APSCO The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization
2216 - Research Fellowship Programme for International Researchers
EMBO-European Molecular Biology Organization
2216B TÜBİTAK-TWAS Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programmes
2216-D TÜBİTAK-WAITRO Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme
Post-Doctoral Research Scholarships
2219 - International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program for Turkish Citizens
2221 - Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave
2232 - An International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers
2236 - Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme3 (CoCirculation3)
2247 - B European Research Council (ERC) Support Program
2219-Aziz Sancar Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program
2232 - B International Fellowship for Early Stage Researchers
2216 - Research Fellowship Programme for International Researchers
EMBO-European Molecular Biology Organization
2216B TÜBİTAK-TWAS Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programmes
ESA_European Space Agency Scholarship
2216C TÜBA-TÜBİTAK Uzbekistan Aziz Sancar Research Fellowship Program
ICGEB International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
2216-D TÜBİTAK-WAITRO Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme
2216B TÜBİTAK-TWAS Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programmes
2232 - B International Fellowship for Early Stage Researchers
For more information about the TÜBİTAK supports, visit here