prospective students

General Information

Karadeniz Technical University, Sürmene Faculty of Marine Sciences, Department of Naval Architecture Engineering was established in 1996 and started education in 1996-1997 academic year. Since 2009, the name of the department has been changed as Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. The Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering has three departments: Department of Naval Architecture, Department of Naval Hydrodynamics and Department of Naval Architecture. Within the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, a Master's program was opened on 26.02.2009 and a PhD program was opened on 19.06.2014.

The Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering within the Faculty of Marine Sciences is located in Çamburnu Neighborhood of Sürmene District.

There are a total of 15 academic staff, including 4 professors, 3 associate professors, 3 assistant professors, 3 doctoral faculty members and 5 research assistants, serving in the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (03.07.2024).

Each year, approximately 60 students start their education by getting enough points between 450-390 points from the YKS-SAY score type. During the 4-year undergraduate education, shipbuilding, ship machinery and different elective courses are taught. In addition, students of the department can do a minor or double major in another appropriate undergraduate program.

It is compulsory for the students of the department to do a total of 60-day internship consisting of 3 groups of 20 working days in shipyards in Turkey or abroad for practical and applied training.

Department students can use the laboratories and computer laboratories related to materials, engines, fluid mechanics, hydraulic machines, hydraulic machines, vibration in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the General Purpose Computer Laboratory, Ship Propulsion Systems Laboratory and Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering R&D Laboratory in Sürmene Marine Sciences Faculty.

Since its establishment, our department has graduated a total of 859 students, including 816 undergraduate, 30 graduate and 13 doctoral degrees. Today, as of 01.03.2024, it continues its education and training with a total of 374 students, including 353 undergraduate, 13 graduate and 8 doctoral students.

Our department, which continues its education and training activities, trains engineers who can design and assemble all kinds of marine vessels and machinery systems in a way to create the most economical product by using up-to-date technology.

The Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering aims to train efficient engineers who can easily adapt to the developments around them. Graduates of the department find a place for themselves in shipyards located in various regions of our country and in a wide range of maritime-related jobs.

Surmene Faculty of Marine Sciences, which is intertwined with nature, has an indoor gymnasium, outdoor basketball, volleyball and football fields, two dining halls and a canteen for students to benefit from.

In addition, the KTU SDBF Marine Technologies and Shipbuilding Student Club, which was established in 2003 in order to ensure and increase the relations between the students, the department and the university, the shipbuilding sector, graduates and among themselves, has been taking firm steps towards the development of the department by organizing many social and scientific activities.

Graduates of our department

  • Shipbuilding Industry
  • At the Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs
  • Relevant Departments of the Ministry of Transportation
  • Special Institutions Related to Ship Design
  • As an Engineer in Ports and Coastal Management Areas and in the Design of some Offshore Structures,
  • As a Long Distance Watchkeeping Engineer on Ships
  • They can work as Academic Staff in Universities

Active Students (01.03.2024)


Bachelor's Degree

Master's Degree

Ph. D.














Number of Graduated Students (01.03.2024)


*Bachelor's Degree

**Bachelor's Degree

Master's Degree

Ph. D.
















A total of 816 undergraduate students

 * Naval Architecture Engineering

** Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


Program Educational Objectives

PEO 1: They work in the fields of planning, design, research and development, production and operation in national and international organizations of shipbuilding, ship machinery and maritime sector.

PEO 2: Work in national and international universities and research institutions in the fields of shipbuilding, ship machinery and maritime.

PEO: They take an active role in the implementation and management of strategic priority projects for the defense industry.

PEO: They create new business areas with an entrepreneurial approach and work as managers in organizations that contribute to the development of the maritime sector.

Our students
Founded in 2003, KTU SDBF Marine Technologies and Shipbuilding Student Club has been taking firm steps towards the development of the department by organizing many social and scientific activities.

Our Academicians
In addition to the courses they teach, our faculty members continue their scientific research with KTU BAP, TÜBİTAK and SANTEZ projects that they are conducting or trying to get. While applying for projects in EU framework programs, joint studies and collaborations are established with some universities abroad.


  • Ship Hydromechanics 
  • Ship Construction 
  • Ship Machinery

Internship Program
In addition to the course credits required to be completed by the students of KTU Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in order to be eligible to receive the undergraduate degree, it is compulsory for them to do internship (practical work) in order to increase their practical knowledge and skills in order to contribute to their engineering education within the framework of the rules of the Internship Directive of Karadeniz Technical University Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.
The total internship (practical work) period required for the graduation of our students is 60 (sixty) working days. Students who will do internship can do internship for at least ten (10) working days and at most forty (40) working days in an internship period (within a one-year period covering two semesters) without a break.
With the internship program, our students can find internship opportunities in many domestic and international institutions and companies.

Exchange Programs
Student exchange programs at our university are carried out by the Exchange Programs Coordinatorship of the Foreign Relations Office. Exchange programs provide our students with the opportunity to receive education and internship opportunities in Turkey and abroad. Within the Exchange Programs Coordinatorship:

  • Erasmus+ Exchange Program Unit
  • Farabi Exchange Program Unit
  • Mevlana Exchange Program Unit

There are 3 different units.  For detailed information about exchange programs, you can check the page of the Exchange Programs Coordination Office of our university.

Course Information
Click here for Course Information Packages, Course Curricula, Course Compliance Programs, Course Catalogs of our department.



Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering R&D Laboratory

General Purpose Computer Laboratory

Ship Propulsion Systems Laboratory

Department Laboratory Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail ALTIN

Graduates and Employment

Graduates of our department

  • Shipbuilding Industry
  • At the Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs
  • Relevant Departments of the Ministry of Transportation
  • Special Institutions Related to Ship Design
  • As an Engineer in Ports and Coastal Management Areas and in the Design of some Offshore Structures,
  • As a Long Distance Watchkeeping Engineer on Ships
  • They can work as academic staff in universities

Double Major and Minor



Mechanical Engineering

Double Major Education


Sürmene Faculty of Marine Sciences

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Double Major Education


Sürmene Faculty of Marine Sciences

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering





Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Double Major Education

Sürmene Faculty of Marine Sciences, Fisheries Technology Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering 30% English,



In accordance with the application directive of Karadeniz Technical University Double Major and Minor programs, the application requirements, required documents, application dates and other issues for Double Major and Minor education in the 2024-2025 academic year are stated below: 


No documents will be attached to the application, the information on the web page will be completed.


Spring semester minor applications will be made between August 01-15, 2024 at web address.

Click here for detailed information about Double Major-Minor.


Base Score

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Program (106210495) Central Placement Quotas, Ceiling and Floor Scores by Years



0.12 with coefficient

Maximum Score

0.12 with coefficient

Base Score

Success Order of the

Last Person Placed







0.12 with coefficient

Maximum Score

0.12 with coefficient

Base Score

Success Order of the

Last Person Placed

62 428.98 369.70 144.548



0.12 with coefficient

Maximum Score

0.12 with coefficient

Base Score

Success Order of the

Last Person Placed

62 358.73 304.60 155.337

YÖK Atlas Department Information

Click here to get information about our department on YÖK Atlas.