Film Analysis Activity within the Scope of the Course
Film analysis was carried out with the 2nd and 3rd students of the Department of Health Management. Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Sedat BOSTAN, Res. Ast. Ahmet Y. YEŞİLDAĞ and Res. Ast. Ferit SEVİM, discussions were held in the context of films and keywords addressing the field of health and management.
Communication skills, agency theory, physician-patient collaboration, physician-nurse collaboration, resistance to change, professional health management, health insurance, moral hazard, asymmetric information, toxic communication, and manager information sources, Discussions were held on concepts such as business blindness, lean management, bureaucracy, learning organizations, violence in healthcare, work accidents and patient focus.
Within the scope of the Ethics in Health Management Course, the John Q movie was analyzed. Within the scope of the application, the students will be informed about safety culture, provision, policy control, the right to be informed of the patient and their relatives, dual authority in health, medical, ethical, and legal aspects of organ transplantation, prioritization, labor law, catastrophic health expenditure, doctor-nurse communication, social aspect of health, comparative health. The concepts of systems, triage, job satisfaction, work dedication, manager's roles, drug marketing, and ethics, and the legal and ethical dimensions of euthanasia were discussed.
19 April 2024
KTU Young Scientist Award in Social Sciences Given to Res. Asst. Ahmet Yasin Yeşildağ
21 May 2024
Knowledge Sharing Activity on Telemedicine by Dr. Hakan Uzun, President of the Trabzon Family Physicians Association (TRAHED)
21 May 2024