Panel on the Phenomenon of Earthquakes in Türkiye and Recommendations for it
Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) organized a panel titled " The Phenomenon of Earthquakes in Türkiye and Recommendations for it" as part of Earthquake Week to raise awareness about earthquake risks, educate the public, and draw attention to the necessary precautions related to earthquakes.
The panel program was organized in collaboration with KTU's Earthquake and Structural Health Application and Research Center, Landslide Application and Research Center, and Environmental Problems Application and Research Center. With this panel, many experts came together at the KTU Prof. Dr. Osman Turan Culture and Congress Center.
In his opening speech at the panel program, our University Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI emphasized that Türkiye has been conducting serious studies on earthquakes and that Karadeniz Technical University has been supporting these efforts. He highlighted the importance of academics producing knowledge and ideas in this field, emphasizing that the presence of competent professors and research groups in the university is crucial. He also shared with the participants that the majority of the work for the Disaster Management Institute has been completed and that an application has been made to the Council of Higher Education (YÖK).
Prof. Dr. ÇUVALCI pointed out that although legislation regarding earthquakes in our country may be good on paper, there are shortcomings in implementation and monitoring mechanisms. He stressed that education is the most effective way to deal with earthquakes, stating, "A conscious society can be more resilient to earthquake risks and can respond more quickly in disaster situations." He concluded his speech by expressing his belief that the information and recommendations presented in this meeting will contribute to raising awareness about the reality of earthquakes in society and lead to more effective measures being taken.
Moderated by Prof. Dr. Arzu FIRAT ERSOY, the first presentation of the panel was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Can ALTUNIŞIK, a faculty member at the Department of Civil Engineering and the Director of the Earthquake and structural Health Application and Research Center. Prof. Dr. ALTUNIŞIK shared insights on "New Construction Technologies for Earthquake-Resistant Building Design" following the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş. He expressed their intention to focus on what can be done after earthquakes rather than just discussing the damages incurred. He emphasized the need for significant steps to be taken in Türkiye regarding new construction technologies and earthquake-resistant building design. Furthermore, he underscored the importance of accurate information and education for regions in Türkiye prone to earthquake risks. Pointing out the need for Türkiye to develop new technologies and strategies for earthquake management alongside explaining the energy and mechanisms of earthquakes, he highlighted the necessity of developing new technologies and strategies for earthquake management in Türkiye.
In the panel program, Prof. Dr. Hakan ERSOY, a faculty member at the Department of Geological Engineering, provided information on "Earthquake-Triggered Disasters in the Context of Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes." Prof. Dr. Nilgün SAYIL, the Chair of the Department of Geophysical Engineering, shared her views on "Discussing the Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes with Seismological Data and the Earthquake Risk in Our Region" with the participants. Lastly, Prof. Dr. Volkan YILDIRIM, a faculty member of the Department of Geomatics Engineering, provided insights into "The Transition to Smart Cities Under the Guidance of Geographic Information Technologies: Lessons Learned from the Great Türkiye Earthquake."
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