Award from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to Our Student
At the “Inter-University R&D Competition on Reaching and Accessible Türkiye 2053” organized by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, the Directorate of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Center (DoTMC), our student Uğurcan Demirci, who studies Civil Engineering, was awarded the Second Prize in the Aviation Category.
Our Rector, Prof. Dr. Hamdullah Çuvalcı, who attended the award ceremony of the Inter-University R&D Competition on Reaching and Accessible Türkiye 2053, which prioritizes local, national, and original production, congratulated our student Uğurcan Demirci for his unique scientific contribution to the literature and wished him continued success. Emphasizing the importance of these kind of studies for Türkiye’s vision, he stated, “Thanks to this competition and similar initiatives aimed at mobilizing the original ideas of our young minds, who are the guarantee of our future, the vision of the 'Century of Türkiye' will be shaped by their hands,” and he thanked everyone involved in the process.
The project titled “Design of Prefabricated Airport Runway and Joints,” prepared under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammet Vefa Akpınar, determined that all prefabricated concrete pavement section designs could carry Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) loads. Among these, the prefabricated application with shear reinforcement of 20 cm in length and 2.5 cm in diameter was found to cause the least stress and settlement. In other words, the project demonstrated that in emergencies, alternative runways for out-of-service airports suitable for F-16s and UAVs could be achieved within 30 hours.
The aim of the project is to make the construction of airports for UAVs, F-16 aircraft, and similar light air vehicles possible within a short time of 30 hours, and to determine the most suitable section design that will minimize the expected vertical deformations at the joints of prefabricated superstructure slabs (especially on weak soils) using the finite element method.
Due to their logistical priority, airport runways are always at risk of being bombed in potential attacks against our country, and thus, there is a constant risk of these transportation infrastructures becoming unusable. Under these conditions, the main goal of the project is to enable the construction of airports for UAVs, F-16 aircraft, and similar light air vehicles within a short time of 30 hours using prefabricated concrete slabs with specified strengths, ready-made and stored in existing airports or suitable sites and warehouses. Just as there are no technical specifications for the urgent construction of airport runways in extraordinary situations in Türkiye or the world, this and similar projects will lead to the development of projects in this area.
19 July 2024
The "From Occupation to Liberation: Trabzon" panel featured Lecturer Veysel USTA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Volkan AKSOY, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yüksel KÜÇÜKER as speakers.
27 February 2025
The Faculty of Science Scientific Talks event series was organized by our university's Faculty of Science at the Nazım Terzioğlu Amphitheater.
27 February 2025
Karadeniz Technical University Bulletin was published.
18 February 2025
Symposium on The Emergencies in Pulmonology was held at the Prof. Dr. Osman Turan Cultural and Congress Center with high participation.
18 February 2025
The panel analyzed the earthquake risk in Trabzon and the Eastern Black Sea Region using scientific data, drawing attention to the region's building stock.
12 February 2025
KTU Faculty of Dentistry has risen to 3rd place among 55 public universities and secured 4th place among a total of 66 universities.
12 February 2025
A commemoration program was held at our university on the anniversary of the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes.
06 February 2025
The project protocol for the "Development and Commercialization of Personalized Implant Infrastructure" project was signed between the TTSO, KTU, and DOKA.
31 January 2025
We congratulate our academicians who have received registrations and thank them for their contributions to the "KTU Culture."
28 January 2025
The Department of Mining Engineering drew attention as the only department from Türkiye included in the ScholarGPS ranking.
22 January 2025
KTU has become the university with the highest participation in COST actions in Türkiye.
22 January 2025
The scientific evaluation process for project proposals submitted to the Directorate for Research Funding Programs (ARDEB) has been completed.
03 January 2025
The "Smart Cities and Cadastre" panel, organized by the Department of Geomatics Engineering in collaboration with the Trabzon Branch of the Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers.
27 December 2024
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Can ALTUNIŞIK was elected as a TÜBA Associate Member, marking an important achievement.
23 December 2024